"Arthur who," I hear you say...? Arthur is best known for his time as Frank Zappa's bass player and clonemeister, but at Tycho Central he is revered as Giorgio Moroder's mid '80s keyboard guy, Linndrum programmer, bass player and go-to guy. He's worked with heaps of famous names from Diana Ross to Irene Cara to Berlin to Billy Idol and was also seen in Oliver Stone's movie "The Doors" playing the Hammond. Arthur is a living legend and is also a lovely guy who makes a great coffee. Here's me with Arthur last week at his Los Angeles studio, "Lotek", with his tasty Serge modular synth and Oberheim Xpander in the background. Arthur will be contributing some keyboard, bass and guitar parts to a special remix of "1985", when his Jupiter 8 synth is back from the repair shop! It was a privilege to meet Arthur, all the more so since the Tycho Linndrum is named after him ("Arthur Linndrum").
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